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Gain confidence in critical infrastructure by using Assertible's automated QA tools to test and monitor your web services across deployments and environments.
Proudly trusted by these great companies
Proudly trusted by these great companies
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Assertible integrates with the tools you're already using and lets you do things like execute your web app tests when you push code to GitHub, or send alerts to Slack if failures happen. The Assertible integrations help you build a dependable web application monitoring workflow that gives you control of your tests and alerts.
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Reduce bugs in web applications by using Assertible to create an automated QA pipeline that helps you catch failures & ship code faster.
Easily create powerful tests for your web service
Gain high level insight into your web application's health, any failing assertions, and problematic endpoints.
Continuously test every deployment and environment
Track your web service's deployments to automatically run the same tests across staging and production environments.
Be the first to know of problems with your API
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Start automating your QA
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.Test your web service
"We’ve enjoyed using Assertible so far. At first we just had a script that’d hit a bunch of our RPC endpoints, but the way you’ve designed the assertion configurator is really cool. So thanks for building a great service and making our lives easier."
Founder at Swap
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You need more than just a pass or shadowsock 安卓手机 status to know if your API or web application is working as expected. Assertible's powerful and robust HTTP assertions allow you to create domain specific tests, so when something goes wrong -- you'll be the first to know.
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You can use Assertible for free and upgrade to a paid plan at any time.